Habits of success: getting every student learning, is out now.

We’re used to the idea of using the science of learning in our planning – I think it’s time we applied the science of behaviour in the classroom.

This guide – the product of three years’ research, writing and rewriting – is the result.

It applies decades of evidence about behaviour, motivation and habit to show how we can get every student learning. The book discusses:

  • Why habits matter
  • How to motivate students to start
  • How to help students keep going – or get them to stop!

The book covers topics like prompts, social norms and role models. It shows how research in these areas can help teachers get students doing their homework, into school on time, and doing their best in lessons.

I hope it will help to see the work of getting students learning in a new light. The book shares findings you may not know – like who students’ role models really are. And it examines familiar things from fresh angles – for example, looking at what makes reward systems really work.

To make it usable there are classroom examples, case studies and checklists throughout.

There’s a chapter for school leaders on using behavioural science to help teachers change.

You can order Habits of success now, here.

You can find out more about the ideas in the book here, and about why I wrote it, here.

I hope you find the finished book a valuable resource – I’m looking forward to your feedback!

I’ll be writing more about why I wrote the book, the ideas it contains, and what I learned writing it over the next few weeks.