There are now almost 170 posts on this blog. Here are a few to start with…
Five formative assessment techniques
Hinge questions
Closing the gap marking
Lollipop stick questioning
Increasing wait time
Exit Tickets
Five ways to improve professional development
Leverage observations/instructional coaching
All teacher education should be practice based
What does it take to make CPD effective?
Why good professional development still fails?
Practice-based teacher training: a framework for design and facilitation
Five posts on the power of checklists
What makes checklists transformational?
Checklist: First lesson with a new class
Against checklists: the complexity, professionalism and creativity of teaching
Checklists for students: efficiency, autonomy and excellence in the classroom
Cut workload and reduce stress: checklists
Five policy problems
Mangling British history in pursuit of British values
The Assessment Commission Report
The Ofsted Report: What’s it like to be inspected as a teacher?
Moneyball for schools: can we use data like the Oakland A’s?
How can we preserve teacher wellbeing?
Five posts on history teaching
What might mastery learning look like in history?
Designing school history trips
Unit planning in history teaching
Student misconceptions in history lessons
Helping students write better essays
Five ethical questions
What we talk about when we talk about learning
Who’s responsible for my students’ folders?
Accepting failure: managing time better as a teacher
Should teachers take the weekend off?
The prevalence of cheating in schools
Five posts which don’t fit the other categories but still seem important
(Mind)-setting students up to succeed: Social-psychological interventions in the classroom
Five psychological findings every teacher should know
Education in Sweden: collapsing results
Why teaching is a gamble
What’s the point of education – an assembly